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Monday 16 May 2016

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Our Anthem Laraha Tiranga Laraha -

       लहरा तिरंगे लहरा

लहरा तिरंगे लहरा - 2
इन मरत हवाओं मे
 रंगीन फिज़ाओं मे
 आज़ाद दिशाओ मे
तू ऊँचा उठता जा
 लहरा तिरंगे लहरा………….2
तू आन है भारत की
तू शान है भारत की
तू जान है भारत की
ये सबको बताता जा
लहरा तिरंगे लहरा………….2
रंगीन तेरा दामन
 खुशहाली का तू जामिल
संसार मे तू मिल
ये सबको सिखाता जा
लहरा तिरंगे लहरा………….2
वो याद शहीदों की
जो बैठे है हम भूले
 तू शान से लहरा के
 हमें याद दिलाता
लहरा तिरंगे लहरा………….2
Assembly Rules

Our rules of assembly comes under Archana Ray Scheme only. This scheme was made by Assembly Class IX-B of 2015-16 and Supreme Power Section B. These rules were started making on 17 Oct 2015 an completed on 02 Nov 2015. Before releasing it was known as Yadav Scheme then Shaunak Chakraborty suggested the name Archana Ray for this scheme. Let’s see our rule makers-
Shaunak Chakraborty, Rupanshu Yadav, Priyanshu Pravin Kad, Riya Kumari, Priyanshi, Neha Yadav, Poonam, Sourabh Tiwari, Shivraj Rathore, Yuvraj Singh, Abhay Patel, Avinash S.K, Shakti Singh and Muskan. For more information Log on to or


1.Everyone in choir must respect the assembly.
2.No one have the right to break the rules of assembly.
3.If anyone breaks the rule then there will be a charge impose on that person.
4.Everyone must follow and respect the rules.
5.The assembly register is the most powerful document of assembly.
6.The person whom the duty of assembly register is given,he/she must takecare it properly.
7.Nobody must use abusive language in the assembly/music room .
8.Everyone must respect the monitors/prefects of assembly.
9.Noone has the right to cut any name of any person without the permission of assembly incharge .He/she may be suspend.
10.Nobody must oppose/break the decision of assembly incharge unless an until it proves wrong.
11.Everyone must manage his/her uniform,shoes,etc properly.
12.Nobody wear sandles in assembly.
13.Girls have to wear proper ribbons.
14.Girls have to manage their hairs properly.
15.Fancy hairs are not allowed at all.
16.Nobody wear bands on hands.(friendship bands,rakhis ,etc).
17.Everyone must wear proper summer uniform in summer days and proper winter uniform in winter days.

18.Without belt children are not allowed in assembly.
19.Without filling the form, names are not registered and
certificates are not given to those children.
20.The monitors also have been punished for breaking the rules 
of assembly.
21.Girls have to stand on the left side and boys on the right side of stage in assembly.
22.If anyone damage the assembly register or any music 
document then he/she have to pay for it.
23.Everyone have to polish his/her shoes daily.
24.Girls are not suppose to work and boys can’t give work to girls.
25.If the disclepline is not maintain properly then the disclepline
incharge will be responsible for it.
26.If the monitors/prefects don’t work properly then they will immediately change.
27.The assembly can start voting for choosing their leaders.
28.Nobody can touch the instruments of music room without permission.
29.A monitor have to change in every month except the permanent monitor Aarshi Ray .
30.The five stars of music of Army Public School Jodhpur are-
a. Anil Asopa
b. Mhommad Khalid
c. Archana Ray
d. Shaunak Chakraborty
e.Aarshi Ray
31.The certificate of a student , not depends on  his/her joining  month ( April), it only depends on the work of that particular students.
32. Nobody in this Choir team has the right to discriminate  among religion, sex, language  and culture. If anybody discriminate among these things then  he/she had to leave the choir team immediately.
33. The rules of choir can only be broken in the case of emergency.
34. The main song of Assembly Choir is Laraha Tiranga Laraha . 

Sunday 8 May 2016

Tagore Day Celebration 07 May

As we all know that Rabindranath Tagore's birthday is celebrated through out the world. Our school also celebrates his birthday .
Lit's have a look on Assembly Register -

National Song Competition 2016

1st Aryabhatta
2nd Tagore
3rd Rajendra
4th Raman

Sunday 1 May 2016

Articles On Music

A Joyful Day of Tagore House 

                        Group Song Winner 2015

It was the date-02 August 2015,when the selection of group song competition was going on. After 3-4 days our final group song team was completely made .I Shaunak was the Group Leader of Tagore House Group Song. I think that no one could be a better leader than me . The reason behind this is that , I love my entire team and I treat my team as they are my brothers and sisters . We practice a lot and this shows our hardwork and dedicated efforts for this competition . It was very difficult to across such a strong house like Raman but this thing proved that Tagore House is the best. On 18 Aug 2015 the result declared and it was:-

1st Tagore House

2nd Rajendra House

3rd Aryabhatta House

4th Raman House

The winner Tagore and the looser Raman. I am specially thankful to my dearest Archana mam, Khalid sir and my Anil sir . Thank you very much to you all.

Shaunak Chakraborty X-B

                   What Is Music

Music is an art form, social activity or cultural activity whose medium is sound and silence. The common elements of music are pitch (which governs melody and harmony), rhythm (and its associated concepts tempo, meter, and articulation), dynamics (loudness and softness), and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture (which are sometimes termed the "color" of a musical sound). Different styles or types of music may emphasize, de-emphasize or omit some of these elements. Music is performed with a vast range of instruments and with vocal techniques ranging from singing to rapping, and there are solely instrumental pieces, solely vocal pieces and pieces that combine singing and instruments. The word derives from Greek μουσική (mousike; "art of the Muses").[1] In its most general form, the activities describing music as an art form include the production of works of music (songs, tunes, symphonies, and so on), the criticism of music, the study of the history of music, and the aesthetic examination of music.

                                             Aarshi Ray an 

                      Music Music MusicShreya Gupta VI - J

Music, as we know is a great thing . It makes us feel good sometimes , happy sometimes and some times emotional. it is having a great control on our personality. For example – Gayatri Mantra is the most powerful hymn in the world. This Gayatri Mantra produce 110000 sound waves per second. This is the highest and most powerful hymn in this world. Through the combinations of sound or sound waves of a particular frequency , the Mantra is clamed to capable of developing shirted personalities. There are many types of music in this world, they are:- pop, jazz,rock,classical,waltz and folk. Music is very important in our life. When we learn something , we can switch on music and if we will do that, we will never forget it throughout our whole life. It makes our mind creative, it makes us sensitive. If we will not hear music then we will become human with no heart .It is proved that any type of music can increase our IQ by 15 points. So , listen music and make life happy . 
Riya Kumari and Priyanshi VIII-B

Importance Of Music 

In many cultures, music is an important part of people's way of life, as it plays a key role in religious rituals, ceremonies (e.g., graduation), social activities (e.g., dancing) and cultural activities ranging from amateur karaoke singing to playing in a funk band or singing in a choir. People may make music as a hobby, for example in a youth orchestra, or as a professional musician or singerAncient Greek and Indian philosophers defined music as tones ordered horizontally as melodies and vertically as harmonies. Common sayings such as "the harmony of the spheres" and "it is music to my ears" point to the notion that music is often ordered and pleasant to listen to. However, 20th-century composer John Cage thought that any sound can be music, saying, for example, "There is no noise, only sound."[4]
Shaurya Kaushik VII-E 


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